dimanche, juin 25, 2006

Actualité - Reject the Government’s Police-State Measures

Franc-Parler publie un éditorial de Voice of Revolution, une publication américaine, à propos de l'intervention de la garde nationale à la Nouvelle-Orléans dans des zones où la résistance s'est organisée. L'État failli des États-Unis qui a laissé toute la population de la Louisiane durant et après l'ouragan Katrina, se transforme en État-policier contre la résistance organisée.

The National Guard is once again being sent to New Orleans. An estimated 300 Guards and an additional 60 state troopers have been sent to the city. The Guard will be concentrated in the areas where there is organized resistance among the people, including struggles for housing. These areas include the Lower 9th Ward, Gentilly and eastern New Orleans. The New Orleans Police Department and FBI will be used to provide a “massive physical presence” in areas like Central City, Algiers and parts of Uptown. Algiers, in particular, is another area known for its resistance and organizing. It is home, for example, to the free medical clinic established by the Common Ground collective.

According to the police and FBI, “A special force of 60 to 70 officers will patrol selected neighborhoods in search of patterns of street life that suggest trouble is brewing.” Elaborating on the content of “trouble brewing,” the FBI’s special agent in charge said, “If you go to Central City at night, there are lots of people milling around with nothing to do, and that’s a recipe for disaster.”

The agent also said that groups of 60-70 officers and agents will be deployed to “set up a perimeter around a large neighborhood,” with no one allowed in or out. Inside the perimeter, the officers will look for “patterns” of what “might be suspicious activity,” like cars with dark tinted windows or cars cruising an area. A youth curfew is being put in place and “resisting arrest” could become a violent crime. Federal officials, including the FBI, are striving to impose federal charges for anything labeled “violent crime.” People convicted in the federal system are not eligible for parole.

The combined actions of the Guard and police agencies reveal a picture of an open police state being tested in New Orleans. The police and military are given full impunity to act on the basis of “patterns” of “suspicious” activity, not actual crimes or even probable cause. People gathering in their communities are branded “trouble.”

The government is claiming these “law and order” measures are necessary to stem a “crime wave.” The sending of the Guard follows a shooting that killed five youth. But people in New Orleans and across the country have heard this claim of “crime wave” before, such as when President George W. Bush called in the Guard to “restore order” in the wake of so-called looting after Katrina. The lie does not hide the fact that there is an open and organized effort of local, federal and military forces to occupy New Orleans and act with impunity against its people.

For example, plans are already in place for residents to take back their homes in public housing, something that will no doubt be considered a “violent” action. Those organizing in the Lower 9th, Algiers and elsewhere can easily be targeted for “cruising” in these areas.

This police and military occupation of New Orleans is an effort to stop the broad and growing struggle among the people of New Orleans against attacks on their rights — the right to return, to housing, to jobs, to reparations for the government-organized disaster after Katrina. But as the growing resistance shows, the spirit of resistance is New Orleans and it is a spirit that beats with increasing strength across the country.

Reject Police-State Measures! Build the Organized Resistance!

(Voice of Revolution)

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