lundi, septembre 04, 2006

Actualité - Venezuela: Socialism or Capitalism

Franc-Parler reproduit une dépêche de Prensa Latina News Agency à propos des élections présidentielles au Venezuela où le président Hugo Chavez trace clairement la ligne de démarcation entre les candidats où d'un côté Chavez veut renforcer l'approche socialiste et de l'autre "l'opposition" désirant revenir à la vieille situation privilégiée de l'oligarchie. Le 3 décembre, les Vénézuéliens se prononceront.

Caracas, Sep 3 (Prensa Latina) - Once defined the positions of the presidential candidates, the Venezuelan electoral campaign has marked its two main fields beyond the existence of 23 contenders: socialist or capitalist development.

In short, that will be the alternative for the nearly 16 million voters to attend the polls on December 3.

On one hand President Hugo Chavez offered a consolidation in the process of changes started in 1999 based on the strengthening of the socialist approach as the way to solve the country’s serious economical and social problems.

In front of that reelection, the opposition seeks a Unitarian candidacy based on the coinciding platform boosted by the contenders radically opposed to Chavez´ proposal.

Manuel Rosales, governor of the state of Zulia and the figure proposed by the opposition to avoid the reelection, has confirmed that position which includes a proposal to revise all the international agreements.

"Choose if we want to be independent or US colony," said Chavez while Rosales points at the US as the Venezuela´s favorite partner in case of winning the presidency of the republic.

Present electoral debates in Venezuela are marked by mutual accusations and controversies sparked by the use of public funds to finance proselytizing activities and the use of colors to identify the different parties.

In his attempt to achieve an approach to the population Rosales has taken long walks by different localities and committed to provide them directly with part of the country’s oil profits.

Meanwhile, followers of Chavez have announced the arrival of the “Bolivarian hurricane” with a campaign addressed to all social sectors as the guarantee to validate the process of changes.

(Prensa Latina News Agency)

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