mercredi, août 30, 2006

Actualité - Chomsky Slams Silence on US-Cuba

Franc-Parler publie un article pour accorder son appui à la déclaration "Cuba"s Sovereignty Must Be Respected." Malgré le succès de la Révolution cubaine, les États-Unis n'ont pas baissé les bras dans leur objectif déterminer l'avenir de Cuba. Une agression militaire de l'impérialisme américain pour s'attaquer directement à la souveraineté de l'île est toujours possible.

Havana, Aug 30 (Prensa Latina) - US academic Noam Chomsky criticized Wednesday western silence on US plans for Cuba, terming them a reflection of an imperial mentality that is imperceptible for those who suffer from that disease.

"The idea is totally offensive," he said to Prensa Latina Chomsky, and also spoke of new White House threats on the island, which mention a secret chapter which makes some people suspect of a possible military aggression.

Political activist from the times of the war in Vietnam, which he was always opposed, the professor is among the almost 22,000 figures and citizens of the world, including nine Nobel prizewinners, who have signed the Declaration "Cuba"s Sovereignty Must Be Respected."

By retaking the anti-Cuban plans, he stated the US reflecting a savage imperial mentality that "has caused terrible suffering on the world for several centuries."

Among US signers are journalist Saul Landau, actors Benicio del Toro, Danny Glover and Harry Belafonte, as well as political analyst James Petras.

The declaration "Cuba"s Sovereignty Must Be Respected" warns that right after Fidel Castro"s proclamation on his health and the provisional delegation of his responsibilities, US top officials formulated explicit declarations on Cuba"s immediate future.

Faced with this threat against integrity of a nation, peace and security in Latin America and the world, signers demand that the US government respect Cuba"s sovereignty.

"We must impede at all cost a new aggression," states the text.

(Prensa Latina News Agency)

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