mardi, avril 18, 2006

Actualité - US Runs Plot to Weaken Bolivian Governement

Franc-Parler publie une dépêche à propos de nouvelles intrigues de l'impérialisme américain contre le nouveau gouvernement populaire de Bolivie. L'ingérence américaine que ce soit à Cuba, au Venezuela, en Bolivie et partout dans les Amériques est sans cesse dénoncée par les peuples. L'affirmation de la souveraineté n'est pas une formule floue mais bien une nécessité pour la prospérité et le bien-être des peuples.

La Paz, Apr 17 (Prensa Latina) - The Bolivian EMP (Estado Mayor del Pueblo de Bolivia- an NGO umbrella supporting the government) denounced Monday that the United States is participating in a strategy to weaken the government and called to defend the administration.

Hugo Moldiz, EMP coordinator, told Prensa Latina that the conspiracy is being run by the US Embassy and the eastern Santa Cruz oligarchy, helped by rightwing parties.

Because they are not strong enough to confront the Evo Morales administration openly, they are trying to weaken the government by aggravating and exploiting social and political problems, the journalist and social activist explained.

The EMP has called social organizations and the leaders of unions and progressive organizations to defend against this "neoliberal action to weaken the process of change… won by protests, blood and the pain of the people."

Declaring "US imperialism and the oligarchy" as the main enemy, Moldiz regretted that leaders of the COB central union and the health and education unions have been taken in and allow their legitimate demands to serve the enemies of the people.

Pointing out that this conspiracy began three months ago when Evo Morales was sworn-in as president, Moldiz said the EMP will define mechanisms to defend democracy and national unity at their assembly Tuesday.

The EMP call comes as the government faces another week of social conflict, with announced COB, teacher and health protests, hawked by the neoliberal corporate press.

(Prensa Latina News Agency)

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