lundi, juillet 24, 2006

Actualité - Israeli planes bomb more than 70 locations in Lebanon

Franc-Parler reproduit un article du Granma International pour dénoncer les horreurs commises par Israël au nom de la "légitime défense". Cet assaut contre le peuple libanais, ignoré par la "communauté internationale", démontre toute la corruption siègeant dans les rangs des dirigeants du monde. Tout devient prétexte à ces pays pour envahir les nations et ainsi anéantir leur droit souverain.

Beirut, July 23 — Israeli troops have penetrated deeper into Lebanon’s southern region, where they had already taken over the village of Marun al Ras the day before, ordering residents of 13 towns to leave the area, which they began bombing, as well as parts of Beirut that have not as yet been attacked.

Armored vehicles, excavators and other vehicles accompanied the invading troops, which are now engaged in violent combat with Hezbollah guerrilla forces.

The offensive is part of a broader strategy to carry out a "limited" ground operation, with the objective being the destruction of Hezbollah tunnels, hiding places and weapons in southern Lebanon, according to the Israeli military command. However, its Air Force was carrying out indiscriminate attacks throughout the country, bombing more than 70 sites and 12 land connections with Syria.

(Granma International)

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Anonymous Anonyme said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.

6:33 p.m.  

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