samedi, mai 27, 2006

Actualité - Bolivia : Venezuela Industrialize Gas

Franc-Parler publie une dépêche annonçant un accord bilatéral entre le Venezuela et la Bolivie. Cet accord permettra de développer les ressources d'hydrocarbures boliviens recemment nationalisés. Les impérialistes ont brandi sur toutes les tribunes le spectre que le gaz nationalisé ne pourrait être développé en Bolivie. Ces accords démontrent au contraire qu'une voie souveraine en économie est possible.

La Paz, May 27 (Prensa Latina) - Industrialization of gas in Bolivia, supposedly impossible without the transnationals, is among Bolivia-Venezuela bilateral agreements.

Presidents Evo Morales (Bolivia), Hugo Chavez (Venezuela) and Cuban Vice President Carlos Lage signed the accords that include mining, financial aid and agribusiness, among others.

The state-run companies Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales Bolivianos and Petroleos de Venezuela signed six agreements, including a letter of intent to boost the gas industry.

A 100 million dollar loan from Venezuela will help expand education, the plastic industry, mining, science and technology, reforestation and telecommunications.

The first credits will also back textiles, timber, leather and dairy industries, small food companies, boost the production of honey and quinua (cereal) and a tourist resort.

Others include a Venezuelan acquisition of over 100 million dollars in bonds from the Bolivian Treasury to cover its fiscal deficit and avoid negotiations with the IMF.

The accords will help Bolivia transform from a simple raw material exporter into something neoliberalism tried to render impossible without transnational capital.

(Prensa Latina News Agency)

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Anonymous Anonyme said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

11:52 p.m.  

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