lundi, juin 26, 2006

Actualité - Conditions to Release Israeli Soldier Backed

Franc-Parler publie une dépêche de Prensa Latina News Agency sur de nouveaux évènements au Proche-Orient. Une attaque de résistants palestiniens a mené à l'enlèvement d'un soldat de l'armée israélienne. Les résistants palestiniens demandent la libération des femmes palestiniens et des mineurs prisonniers dans les geôles sionistes. La famille du soldat kidnappé a pressé le gouvernement israélien d'accéder à ces demandes.

Gaza, Jun 26 (Prensa Latina) - Relatives of the prisoners in Israel Monday supported the demands issued by kidnappers of the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit that Tel Aviv releases Palestinian women and minors in exchange for the military's release.

The support to the demands takes place during the deployment of the Israeli troops in the frontier with the Gaza's Stripe, where they threatened to carry out an operation of great magnitude.

A Palestinian command kidnapped the Israeli soldier on Sunday and has placed two conditions to release him, that Palestinians under 18 and women jailed in Israel be released.

An expression of support to those demands was evidenced when relatives of the prisoners gathered outside Parliament in Gaza to support the established conditions for the release.

Similar demonstrations took place in the localities of the West Bank.

(Prensa Latina News Agency)

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