lundi, juillet 31, 2006

Actualité - Horrendous Israeli Massacre in Lebanese Village

Franc-Parler publie une dépêche de Prensa Latina News Agency à propos d'un massacre de civils totalement abjecte à Cana, au Liban, par les forces d'occupation sionistes. Comme en 1996, l'armée israélienne s'est attaquée au peuple libanais à Cana marquant une nouvelle page génocidaire avec l'aide complice des États-Unis, du Canada et de d'autres grandes puissances. Ce crime contre l'humanité a entraîné d'immenses manifestations au Liban et partout dans le monde.

United Nations, July 30 — More than 60 dead bodies, including 37 children, were found in the village of Qana, Lebanon, resulting from an Israeli air attack on Sunday. More victims are being discovered as the search continues.

According to ANSA news service, Lebanese parliament member Bahia Hariri confirmed that among the dead were 15 children with physical and mental problems.

Lebanon is "mourning its martyrs" and "with one united voice is asking for a cease fire," said Nouhad Mahmoud, a foreign relations official at an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council, quoted by Reuters.

Thousands of demonstrators gathered in front of the UN building in downtown Beirut Sunday to denounce the Israeli bombing of Qana and demand the expulsion of US Ambassador Jeffrey Feltman.


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