samedi, juillet 29, 2006

Actualité - Israel Kills 34 Palestinians in Gaza

Franc-Parler publie une dépêche de Prensa Latina News Agency à propos d'une série d'assaut des forces d'occupation sionistes contre le peuple palestinien à Gaza. En moins de 48 heures, l'armée israélienne a tué 34 Palestiniens et fait 128 blessés.

Gaza, Jul 29 (Prensa Latina) - Israeli attacks on densely populated areas in Gaza Strip have claimed the lives of 34 Palestinians, including seven children and five women, in the last 48 hours.

Tel Aviv aggressions, which also left 128 people injured, among them 37 children, took place in the areas where they assert there is a strong influence of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), the group that leads the Palestinian National Authority.

Friday, the media moved international public opinion with reports on the killing of two Palestinian minors, one of them an eight-month-old baby, due to shelling in Gaza.

Israel launched Operation Summer Rain on June 28 under the pretext of freeing one of its soldiers caught by Hamas activists and affirms the offensive will continue without time limit.

(Prensa Latina News Agency)

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