jeudi, juillet 20, 2006

Actualité - Israel Hammers Lebanese from Air

Franc-Parler publie une dépêche de Prensa Latina News Agency à propos des crimes des forces d'occupation sionistes au Liban contre les populations civils. Les bombardements de l'aviation et de l'artillerie israélienne continuent de faire des centaines de morts et blessées.

Beirut, Jul 20 (Prensa Latina) - Israel´s Air Force shelled the Lebanese capital Thursday, while its infantry troops clashed with Hezbollah resistance on the south border, where more than 15,000 people are increasingly unprotected.

One of the Thursday´s most destructive air strikes was against an alleged bunker of Islamic guerrillas. According to Israeli military sources, the main leaders of the Shia faction, including its leader Hassan Masrallah, were hidden there.

The refuge, located in Beirut´s Bourj Barajen neighborhood, was hit by 23 tons of bombs in three hours, but neither dead nor wounded were reported.

However, Lebanese television channel Al Manar denied the Israeli version and assured the place destroyed was a mosque in construction.

"None of our leaders have been killed or attacked," refuted Al Manar.

In its eight day of offensive, Tel Aviv air force targeted Beirut´s suburbs and southern Lebanese villages, aimed at weakening Hezbollah´s positions.

Israeli Army sources admitted that the Lebanese resistance has given no sign of weakness, which proves that the aggression could last more than scheduled.

Tel Aviv´s infantry attacked the zone where some Israeli soldiers died on Wednesday, while on Thursday three soldiers were wounded and at last two tanks were destroyed by the Lebanese resistance.

Local Red Cross warned on Thursday that more than 15,000 people are on the brink of suffering a humanitarian crisis in some towns in south Lebanon, due to the lack of food, medicine, water, and electricity.

Also Thursday, in a very formal tone, Russia condemned the spiral of armed confrontation and continued killings of innocent people in Lebanon and Palestinian territories, and called for a cease-fire and negotiation.

The Israeli aggression of Lebanon also threatens the energy markets, in which oil prices continue increasing on Thursday.

(Prensa Latina News Agency)

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7:13 a.m.  

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