jeudi, septembre 07, 2006

Actualité - March called in support of the Five in U.S.A

Franc-parler publie cet article pour accorder son appui aux Cinq de Cuba emprisonnés depuis 8 ans. Ces incarcérations injustifiées s'inscrit dans les politiques étatsusiennes d'emprisonnement, c'est-à-dire selon un modèle qui va totalement à l'encontre des droits. Mais, après tout, qu'est-ce que les États-Unis ont à faire des droits de tous?

"Freedom for the Cuban Five" is the slogan for the giant march on the White House on September 23 in support of the Cuban anti-terrorist fighters imprisoned in the United States since September 12, 1998. "Especially after the outrageous 11th Circuit of Appeals decision denying them a new trial, we have a deep sense of duty to outside the White House to demand their freedom," affirmed the communiqué circulated by email.

Convened by the national Free the Five Committee and the ANSWER Coalition on the 8th anniversary of the unjust incarceration of Ramón Labañino, René González, Antonio Guerrero, Gerardo Hernández and Fernando González, the event will include a public forum in which several speakers will participate.

According to Granma’s conversation with Gloria La Riva, coordinator of the U.S. Free the Five Committee, guest speakers include Francisco Letelier, son of Orlando Letelier, the ex-foreign minister of Salvador Allende’s government murdered in the streets of Washington by terrorists of Cuban origin on September 21, 1976.

So far support for the march has come in from New York, Eugene, Tampa, Los Angeles, San Francisco, El Paso, Nashville, Buffalo, Chicago and Richmond, among other cities. Representatives of other Cuban Five solidarity groups from Canada are also attending.

(Granma International)

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