mercredi, octobre 04, 2006

Actualité - Increasing Oposition in US Against Blockade on Cuba

Franc-Parler publie un article de Prensa Latina News Agency qui montre l'entêtement américain pour contrôler les pays qui s'affirment dans leur souveraineté en refusant de s'agenouiller devant l'impérialiste. Depuis la révolution cubaine, les États-Unis, par l'entremise de leurs présidents, s'acharnent à détruire toute l'édifice culturel et social, la véritable force de Cuba.

Havana, Oct 4 (Prensa Latina) - Despite the efforts of the US government to silence those voices calling for changes in Washington"s policy against Cuba, opposition against the US economic blockade on the Caribbean country is increasing inside the US.

The George W. Bush administration has been intensifying measures against Cuba, increasing federal funds for the blockade and reinforcing aggression of the anti Cuban ultra right wing in Miami, Florida.

However, American sectors have been speaking up for normalizing US-Cuba relations, as on July 8, 2005 when the US-Cuba Commercial Association sent a letter to over 20 senators and members of the assignment committee.

The letter, which was signed by 62 national associations, organizations, and agricultural companies located in 20 states, called to make more flexible in the restrictions imposed on the sale of agricultural products to Cuba.

On July 21, 2005, the assignment committee of The House of Representatives approved an amendment to the "Assignment Law for the Departments of Transport, Treasure, and Housing, year 2006." The law bans the use of funds assigned for managing or implementing the measures of the Office for the Foreign Actives Control, which restricted the advance payment for US products by Cuba. That proposal, approved by the US Senate, did not become law due to the veto threat of President George W.

The blockade affects also the US people, who is prohibited from access to medicines like the Cuban TheraCim, which treats brain tumours in children.

(Prensa Latina News Agency)

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