dimanche, avril 23, 2006

Actualité - Iran Will Keep Pumping Oil

Franc-Parler publie une dépêche sur les réactions du gouvernement iranien face à la montée des prix du pétrole et des préparatifs de guerre américains au Moyen-Orient. Le ministre iranien responsable des ressources pétrolières explique notamment que l'Iran respectera ses contrats malgré les menaces et le chantage dont le pays est victime.

Teheran, Apr 23 (Prensa Latina) - "Iran will comply with its oil contracts despite being pushed to leave its peaceful nuclear energy program," Teheran´s Oil Minister Kazem Vaziri said Sunday.

After affirming that Iran is currently producing 4.1 million barrels a day, Vaziri recalled that his nation did not stop exports during the eight year war with Iraq.

Besides, the minister expressed his government´s inconformity with the rocketing oil prices in the last days, above 75 dollars per barrels, despite a sufficient supply.

He explained that oil prices are being pushed up by political risk fears of an eventual suspension of the Iranian crude pumping as a response to the measures to force it to leave its nuclear researches.

Vaziri reiterated that Iran´s oil exports will continue as normal.

(Prensa Latina News Agency)

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