lundi, mai 29, 2006

Actualité - Pentagon Tries to Cover Up Massacre in Iraq

Franc-Parler publie une dépêche sur l'occupation de l'Irak. Une série de révélations démontre que le Pentagone masque des massacres de civils irakiens. Au nom de justifications comme la "sécurité" et la "guerre au terrorisme" les droits humains sont systématique violés par les troupes d'occupation impérialistes au Moyen-Orient et partout dans le monde de Guantanamo à l'Afghanistan.

Washington, May 28 (Prensa Latina) - Representative John Murtha, D-Pa., on Sunday denounced the Pentagon´s efforts to cover up the massacre of Iraqi civilians by US troops.

In statements to ABC, the war veteran and congressman said that the military is trying to cover up a case in which US soldiers appear as suspects of killing 24 Iraqi civilians.

Until March, when the British newspaper The Times published the story, no one knew what was going on, pointed out Murtha, an ex Marine who supports the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.

On Saturday, CNN reported on denunciations by an Iraqi girl who told the British newspaper that US soldiers had massacred her family.

The case, which is being investigated by US authorities, took place in the town of Haditha, 200 kilometers northeast of Baghdad.

(Prensa Latina News Agency)

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8:34 a.m.  

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