lundi, juin 26, 2006

Actualité - Gaza under Re-occupation Threat

Franc-Parler publie une dépêche de Prensa Latina News Agency rapportant les menaces d'invasions militaires à grande échelle de l'armée israélienne dans la bande de Gaza. À la suite d'une opération de résistants palestiniens contre des militaires israéliens, le gouvernement sioniste menace maintenant toute la population palestinienne des pires répresailles.

Gaza, Jun 26 (Prensa Latina) - The population in the Gaza Strip faces the risk of a new Israeli occupation as the culmination of a large scale military operation.

The security cabinet gave Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert full powers to carry out a large scale military operation against the Gaza Strip if needed.

On Monday, dozens of tanks and armored vehicles and hundreds of troops were deployed near the border, waiting for the order to start an all-out operation against the said Palestinian territory.

Israel said this would be the outcome of the situation triggered by the kidnapping of Jewish soldier Gilad Shalit by a Palestinian commando.

According to reports, three Palestinian resistance organizations attacked an Israeli military base in Telem, from where they took the Jewish soldier to exchange him for Palestinian held in Israeli prisons.

(Prensa Latina News Agency)

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