mardi, juin 27, 2006

Actualité - Israel: No Deal, Gaza Raid

Franc-Parler publie une dépêche de Prensa Latina News Agency rapportant le rejet des demandes des résistants palestiniens qui détiennent un soldat israélien du gouvernement sioniste. L'armée israélienne continue de se masser aux limites de la bande de Gaza en préparation d'une invasion imminente.

Tel Aviv, Jun 27 (Prensa Latina) - The Israeli government Tuesday refused to meet the demands of the kidnappers of soldier Gilad Shalit, while the army has continued assembling naval and ground forces to unleash an invasion against Gaza.

The Israeli forces, gathered along the border for several days, are only waiting for orders from the cabinet of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to invade the Palestinian territory.

Palestinian forces kidnapped Shalit Sunday, and want to negotiate his release in return for the liberation of women and all Palestinians under 18 years-old imprisoned in Israeli jails.

Israel has rejected the demands and threatened to invade Gaza and apply contingency measures including cuts in food, water, and oil supplies, local press revealed.

(Prensa Latina News Agency)

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