Actualité - Remembering How Socialism Defeated Fascism
In the early morning of June 22, 1941, when the fascists practically dominated Europe, with all the economic resources and technology of the countries conquered, they began their cowardly and treacherous attack on the Soviet Union.
Hitler’s armies were used to fighting against reactionary regimes and their bourgeois forces. On attacking the Soviet Union, for the first time they came up against a different type of army with a different type of solider and a people with a different motivation. From the beginning they met with a fierce resistance.
In the end, the most sinister enemy of humanity –Nazi fascism-- was stopped at the cost of 20 million Soviet lives, lost for the noble goals of justice, security and peace.
Hitler and his generals had believed they would build a thousand-year empire on the ruins of the Soviet Union. But in less than four years a different picture was painted, illustrated by this picture of the victorious red flag flying over the German Reichstag.
(Granma - 22 June 2006)
Libellés : La glorieuse histoire des luttes des peuples contre le fascisme et le racisme
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