mercredi, mai 17, 2006

Actualité - Bush Immigration Speech Disappoints

Franc-Parler publie une dépêche de Prensa Latina News Agency à propos de la décision du gouvernement américain de militariser sa frontière avec le Mexique. 6000 soldats de la garde nationale seront déployés pour attaquer les immigrants mexicains. Ainsi, de larges sections en provenance du peuple américain dénoncent, depuis des semaines, la loi HR 4437 partout aux États-Unis par l'entrenise de manifestations d'un ampleur sans précédant.

Washington, May 16 (Prensa Latina) - The touted speech of US President George W. Bush on proposed immigration reform was a disappointment to political circles, which remained aloof

Tuesday to the idea of sending thousands of National Guard soldiers to the Mexican border.

Politicians, academics, community leaders and influential mass media expressed frustration at the president’s proposal, announced Monday during a speech addressed to the nation.

In an editorial Tuesday, The New York Times slammed the Bush’ decision to send 6,000 National Guard soldiers to the southern border for surveillance, intelligence labors and barricade construction, among other activities.

The daily termed the announcement a victory “for the side injured in the debate,” alluding to the Republicans in Congress that oppose an amnesty for all illegal immigrants and demand greater control on the border.

According to the NYT, the Bush decision is support for those who want anyone entering the United States illegally to be immediately detained “by army boots in the desert sand.”

(Prensa Latina News Agency)

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