mercredi, juin 28, 2006

Actualité - Canada's "Body Count" Foreign Policy

Franc-Parler publie un article provenant du The Marxist-Leninist Daily à propos de la politique étrangère canadienne impérialiste. La politique du "décompte des cadavres" pratiquée par les États-Unis, le Canada et les autres grandes puissances nie les aspirations les plus élevées des peuples du monde. Elle montre aussi le dégré alarmant d'annexion du Canada aux États-Unis et l'urgence pour le Canada de quitter les pactes militaires agressifs comme l'OTAN et d'avoir un gouvernement antiguerre.
- Hilary LeBlanc -
Canada's foreign affairs have degenerated into "body count" politics. Daily, the monopoly media are consumed with the latest kill numbers from Afghanistan. Sitting inside heavily armoured vehicles and using the most modern expensive military equipment the Canadian armed forces push "deeper into Taliban territory" against farmers and townsfolk armed with rifles, homemade bombs and little else. At the first sign of resistance, U.S. warplanes are called in to bomb to smithereens any person or building in the vicinity. To make sure nothing is left alive or standing, the Canadian military pounds the area with long-distance artillery.

After the dust has settled, a few shattered bodies are gathered for viewing and the odd prisoner in shackles paraded for the television cameras. The military reporters dutifully transfer an official body count from army headquarters: 45 enemy killed, one coalition soldier wounded, a very good day; 15 "suspected Taliban" counted dead the next; 40 the following day, and on and on it goes interspersed occasionally with word of a fallen soldier, even the odd Canadian, from the U.S.-led NATO killing machine. For the monopoly media and Canadian officials a body count of 100 dead Afghanis to one fallen colonial soldier is about right and considered a success, a figure that hardens and justifies Canada's "body count" foreign policy.

The U.S.-led slaughter is pushing ever closer to Pakistan and Iran. Territory captured is territory destroyed, territory pacified and brought under U.S. dictate and that is the point. Afghanistan and the surrounding regions within Pakistan and Iran are crucial and strategic in the global monopoly competition to control markets, raw material and the local populations and keep China and Russia in check.

The terror of air attacks, artillery and body counts translates into territory conquered for the monopolies of the U.S.-led coalition, and territory denied for their competitors, including the big powers of continental Europe, who scramble to impose their will and build their armies within the current period of U.S. military domination and war fever.

Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran and the smaller Central Asian countries are responding with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to prepare for the worst, as the noose tightens and the invading armies march through West and Central Asia ever closer. The invaders count more bodies and seize more territory, cutting off Russia and other competitors from allies, markets and raw material in Central and South Asia, and access to the Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean and East Africa.

Canada's "body count" foreign affairs are gruesome verbal and military assaults on the collective social conscience. They are coupled with a broad state assault on civil society. Attacks on political and civil rights at home, where paramilitary police and state spies operate with increasing ruthless impunity, even against Canadian youth and children, are in total disregard and opposition to modern definitions of national, political, economic, social and cultural rights.
"Body count" foreign affairs negate the peoples' heroic World War II victory over fascism, the establishment of the United Nations and the international declaration of human rights and the inviolability of national sovereignty. "Body count" politics oppose the yearning of the world's peoples for international unity and cooperation and to put behind them the sorrowful era of monopoly competition and inter-imperialist rivalry. Such backward politics violate the universal demand that foreign affairs be handled without force of arms, without war and without intimidation coming from big power military terrorism of superior weaponry and socially irresponsible spending on war material and the destruction of the social and natural environments.

War was to be banished from international affairs and replaced with civilized, peaceful negotiations using the United Nations as arbiter, recognising the national sovereignty and independence of all the peoples of the world and their right to be and live as they choose free from invasion, big power terror, exploitation and destruction. But Britain and the U.S. never recognised the victories of the Great War Against Fascism and immediately reinstated war in foreign affairs with attacks in Greece, Korea and beyond to the killing fields of Africa, Indochina and the Middle East and the dirty wars throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, smothering the entire world with their mercenaries, war material and plundering armies.

Canada's "body count" foreign policy is the ugly face of annexation of the country into the United States of North American Monopolies. It is the foreign affairs of the contemporary colonial invaders organized around and into the United States Armed Forces through NATO, NORAD and Northern Command. Canada, the British colonial legacy of the conquered territories of the First Nations peoples, is on the global prowl, annexed into the pillaging armies of the U.S.-led barbarians, plunging inexorably into another world war unless the united peoples stand up against fascism and war.

Canada Out of Afghanistan! Canada Out of NATO, NORAD & U.S. Northern Command! Unite to Organize and Build Momentum for an Anti-War Government!

(The Marxist-Leninist Daily)

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