mercredi, août 23, 2006

Actualité - Israel Shells Sheba

Franc-Parler publie une dépêche de Prensa Latina News Agency rapportant de nouvelles violations flagrantes du cessez-le-feu dans l'agression contre le Liban par les forces d'occupation sionistes. Plusieurs tirs d'artilleries par l'armée israélienne ont eu lieu samedi contre le territoire libanais des Fermes Chebaa.

Beirut, Aug 23 (Prensa Latina) - Israeli artillery opened fire Wednesday on the Lebanese territory of Sheba, near the Blue Line, the UN-demarcated border between both nations.

The incident took place close to the camp of the Lebanese troops deployed five days ago in that area as part of the UN Security Council Resolution 1701.

Also Wednesday, the explosion of an old israeli anti-tank mine left in lebanese territory between Blida town and the UN-delimited zone killed an Israeli soldier and wounded three others.

This is the 111th Tel Aviv s serviceman who dies since the beginning of the aggression against Lebanon, which has left over 1,200 people dead, 3,000 wounded, more than a million displaced and material damages estimated at $15 billion.

(Prensa Latina News Agency)

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